clojurescript Complete re-frame Tutorial In this tutorial, we'll introduce writing clojurescript app with reagent and re-frame. reagent [] is a simple wrapper around react, it makes writing pure functional component a breath. re-frame [] is like a redux [http://redux.js.
react Using a proxy for communication between two components in reactjs This is obsolete. Use mobx or redux for complex state management. Communication between components is usually done like this. 1. Child component wants to talk to it's ancesters: In this case, pass a function or states as props down the chain. 2. Parent component
frontend React gotcha list React is nice. But due to its complexity, some gotcha is bound to come up in development. Here, I keep a list for future reference. * this.props.children is an array if there are multiply children, a ReactElement if there's only one children. (V0.